
February 27, 2020

Okayama University students of Graduate School of Education won the Special Judge's Award by "The Disaster Prevention Dance Development Project" at AY2019 "Student Innovation Challenge Project" in Okayama city

9400_image_3.jpg9400_image_1.jpg"The Disaster Prevention Dance Development Project" reported by Graduate Students belong to a laboratory of Associate Professor SAKOU Haruko who works on disaster prevention education through dance at Okayama University's Graduate School of Education was awarded the Special Judge's Award at the debriefing and screening meeting of AY2019 "Student Innovation Challenge Project" held at the Okayama Worker's Welfare Center on February 16.


A total of 15 teams from universities in Okayama Prefecture participated in the debriefing and screening meeting. YOSHIMURA Risa, a freshman at the Education Science, Graduate School of 9400_image_2.jpgEducation reported activities and implementation contents of this project during one year as a student representative. Their achievements were evaluated and the project was chosen as a one of the three awards, the Special Judge's Award.


In this project, "Bosai PiPit! Dance" was developed as content for disaster prevention education that contributes to raising awareness of disaster prevention, and creates dance, music, and posters for public awareness to promote. A team of 70 members, including 50 elementary school children Attached to the Faculty of Education, Okayama University, gave their first performance on the stage 9400_image_4_1.jpgat "Nippon Educational University Association National Health and Physical Education Health Research Division Dance Study Group (The 39th National Creative Dance Research Presentation)" in Okayama Symphony Hall on December 2019.