
November 19, 2020

International Students Receive Food Support From HAYASHIBARA Corporation

9950_image_1.jpgOn November 17th, international students from Okayama University received a donation of food supplies from HAYASHIBARA Co., Ltd.


As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, an increasing number of international students struggle to support themselves financially with part-time work. In response, Hayashibara Co. signed the "SDGs Industry-Academia Partnership Agreement" in August, with plans to provide food support for the university. The company donated a total of 600 meals of instant rice, instant ramen, and bread, as well as 1200 sample capsules of Trehalose (a sweetener).


Today, at a ceremony held at L-café Tsushima Campus, Representative Director of HAYASHIBARA Co. 9950_image_2.jpgYASUBA Naoki presented President MAKINO Hirofumi with a certificate of the donation. The International Student Representative ACHEAMPONG Daniel Kwabena Boateng was ceremonially presented with the first gift of food supplies. Afterwards, 93 international students from the Tsushima campus queued outside were given food supplies. On the 18th, 44 students from the Shikata campus were also distributed food supplies. There are plans to give the donated food to students who were unable to come to the university and to those residing in Kurashiki, as supply allows.


The company also commented approvingly on the 9950_image_3.jpgsignificance of the food support provided by university faculty last October, stating that their combined efforts have succeeded in widening the support network available to international students. Okayama university will continue providing support for international students so that they may continue their studies with peace of mind.






















